Wow, has it been 2 weeks already? My scheduled has been so packed with not only work, but sightseeing, happy hours, and sitting in airplanes/airports that this past 2 weeks has gone crazy fast. I really do not want this adventure to ever end, but at some point it must. I am not really a crier like others, but I can understand how she feels. It seems like I have been planning this trip forever, and I thought it would never get here, and poof, I am just about finished with my stint in the Waggener Edstrom Singapore office.
So believe it or not, I have been working while here in Singapore. It has not really felt like work, as it is not my normal day to day job, instead I have been meeting with my cohorts in Singapore for brainstorms, 1-on-1 discussions, pitch reviews, group lunches to hawker stands and more. Work here has not felt like work at all, because it has been such a fun experience and I am absorbing as much as I can and loving every minute of it.
Just being here I feel like I have learned a lot and broadened my views on different cultures and ways of thinking, which is priceless knowledge if you ask me. Sitting in on meetings where we have to think about so many different languages and cultures really startled me at first. Also, working in a smaller office, but for the same Agency was a neat experience. The Portland office is so large that everyone has a very niche task they focus on, while here in Singapore everyone wears multiple hats to get the job done. I am not saying one way is better than the other; it was just cool to see and observe differences in the offices.
All in all, everyone in the Singapore office has shown me a wonderful time, and I enjoyed getting to know them all better. I cannot thank them enough for the kindness they have shown, and I only hope I can return the favor someday.
You here that Singers? If any one of you make it to the Portland office, you better look me up. By then we would have stories to catch up on and beverages to consume!
Okay next stop, Thailand. I know it is a rough life, I will get by somehow. Let’s just hope there are no tatoos to the face involved in this next adventure.
WE are so happy you’re here! Wish we had more time to bring you around. Here’s some ideas on face tattoos, just in case. 🙂
this post made me cry.
So glad you had such a wonderful experience in Singapore. Have fun with the rest of your trip. You deserve it!